Professional Supervision

Building Resilience Not Managing Crisis

Pastors are encouraged by the ACC National Executive to engage in regular Professional Supervision Sessions to provide external perspectives and professional help in the varied issues Pastors face in ministry. Note the amendments to our code below.

Amendments to the ACC Pastor’s Code of Conduct:


ACC ministers are encouraged to undertake ongoing professional development, through a variety of means, such as education, professional supervision, peer support and/or mentoring.


To serve well and maintain personal and professional health amidst difficult and complex pastoral situations, ACC Ministers are strongly encouraged to engage in a professional supervision session on a regular basis.


Professional Supervision (Pastoral) provides a safe, confidential space for pastors and leaders to discuss what’s happening in their ministry with someone who is trained to provide this support.  It follows the Biblical principle of discipleship and having partners in ministry, modelled by Jesus in Matthew 6: 6, 7, 30-32, providing encouragement, accountability and time out to rest and reflect. Supervision provides personal and professional development, helps people to gain perspective, identify their core values and to understand more about themselves and why they respond or react the way they do. Supervision assists people to thrive in leadership and ministry, stay in their calling, do what they love to do, make good choices, have good boundaries and practice holistic self-care. The great flow on effect of this is the health of our families and churches.

Meet Susan Marcuccio who oversees Australian Supervisors

For more information on connecting with suitable supervisors, contact:

Susan Marcuccio at See video below for a description of “Professional Supervision”.

To get you started finding a Professional Supervisor to suit you follow this link


Mentoring compliments Professional Supervision with a more personal yet intentional relationship.

Romans 12:11-13a MSG

Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.

Purpose of Mentoring

Goal of Mentoring


Mentoring Recommendations

To get you started finding a Mentor to suit you follow this link